Before you read this post:
Ugh, before you read this post, you need to understand that the biggest recommendation I can give you is: DO NOT TRY AND GET WITH THE GUYS FROM THE REAL WORLD
Why you shouldn't
(1) DISEASE: They've made out with every intern this side of the Mississippi.
(2) IVY LEAGUE FUTURE: Inevitably you're going to try to go to Harvard, and Harvard does not think that's okay. Mainly because Harvard had big plans with the cute blonde one and you ruined everything.
(3) REINFORCING BAD BEHAVIOR: Look, they're running around DC chewing on anything in seersucker panties. Pull it together and pull 'em up ladies. Just say no.
(4) YOU ARE NOT ALONE: You call it love, they call it Episode 2. It's a manipulation of people just trying to be happy in this city, and it's not fair.
Why You Should
Well, free air time and promotion for your blog

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