Saturday, November 21, 2009
Sensation.Elle is an up and coming blog where Elle. P., an epic fashionista, let's you know where to go and what to get on the...Wise. Her goal is to save money while maintaining a look that is both Fabulous and Sensational, and Wicked if I may say so myself. In my opinion, I think her blog is really an awesome take on totally realistic and fantastical fashion which includes knock-offs, animal prints, pencil skirts and hot pink. Believe the hype and join the crowd!
DATE BY KATE #7: USC Fisher Museum of Art
WHERE: USC Fisher Museum of Art
TIME: Tuesday-Friday 12-5 pm, Saturday 12-4 pm
1. Park on campus for $8
2. Grab a map because you're already lost
3. Make your way over to the museum, don't get hit by a bike

Friday, November 20, 2009
DATE BY KATE #6: Murder at the Getty Scavenger Hunt
WHAT: The Murder at the Getty Museum Scavenger Hunt (Adults only)
WHEN: Saturday, December 5, 4:30 pm
WHERE: The Getty Center Los Angeles
BUY TICKETS: Watson Adventures
1200 Getty Center Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90049
DATE BY KATE #5: San Antonio Winery
- Los Angeles Winery since 1917
- Right in down town LA
- Three free wine samples
- Wine tasting of 8 or 9 wines for like $9:
- Tours by the hour: Stumble about in love
- Wine Classes: Learn how to taste wine like a true snob....together ($20-$55)
737 Lamar St.
Los Angeles CA 90031
(323) 223-1401
Site Information

Thursday, November 19, 2009
DATE BY KATE #4: Murderous Dinosaurs
WHAT: The Murder at the Natural History Museum Scavenger Hunt (Adults only)
WHEN: Saturday, November 21, 2 pm
WHERE: The Getty Center Los Angeles
TICKETS: Watson Adventures
1200 Getty Center Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90049

Sunday, November 15, 2009
DATE BY KATE #3: Wishing on Leonid's Falling Stars

Your Date Starts on Monday November 16 goes until the morning of November 17
Monday November 16th at midnight
1230 AM-2:30 AM Pacfic Time
A shower of shooting stars. The shower happens each mid-November, when Earth passes through an area of space filled with debris from a comet. That debris burns up in our atmosphere, causing the “shower” of meteors. In Los Angeles you'll be able to see about one leonid every two or three minutes.
Tough in LA because of the ambient light. A good litmus test is if you can see the little dipper where you are standing, you are in an area dark enough. We're talking beaches, tops of mountains, deserts and forests. PLEASE choose a safe destination where both you and your date can feel safe (no deserted dumps, middle of the highway romps)
Lying down and looking up. Lots of people use pillows and just lie there. Make lots of wishes.
Tell your date to dress warmly and exactly where you intend to go. You don't want to flip them out by taking them to deserted parts of the state. Also, make sure they are prepared for a night of wishes and giggly nonsense (whatever that may entail for you and your mate)
Aim for warmth: Warm jacket, Blanket/Sleeping bag
Comfort: Two pillows
Safety: Flashlight, Glowsticks
Fun: Get ready to tickle and hold tightly

9 pm
- Get your supplies together
- Think of some goofy wishes you can tell your date and can't tell your date :)
- Learn proper wish making protocol
- Catch some late dinner
- Inform your date that the best way to watch a meteor shower is lying next to eachother and looking up
- Dunkin Donuts: grab some hot cocoa and donuts for the road*
- Inform your date of proper making a wish on a star protocol
- Remind your date to make wishes on the shooting stars
- Arrive at your Lazy Stargazing Hotspot
- Spend the time talking about the wishes you want to make and the wishes you made as a child.
- Engage in again, whatever your definition of giggly nonsense may be.
*This is an inappropriate venue for spaghetti but do try if you insist.

How to Wish on a Star Properly
Wish Better
Now, in this day and age, many people are turning to wishing to pay bills or get to France. Well at tonight's Leonid Meteor Shower there will be plenty of shooting stars to pay your mortgage and get you closer to that Cute Blonde in your Chem Lab...If you do it properly.
There are two methods you can choose from:
The Wikihow Method and the Kate Method (i.e. The right method for making wishes)
WikiHow's Guide to Wishing on Shooting Stars.
Wikihow has created a surprisingly elaborate method of getting your wishes met, and by golly, they're free to make, so spend a buck.
- Think of all the things that you want to wish for. Think of the things that you don't have, like a million dollars, a house, a jumbo sized vanilla shake. It could be anything!
- Close your eyes and wish for things that you can't live without, or that you deeply want, or things that you could actually have that seem impossible to get, like a penny minted during this calendar year, a date to the prom or to find a best friend.
- Narrow down your wishes, to be maybe just one or two special ones. Keep eliminating wishes, and find just two that are most important, and that really think could come true. You may feel that they are equally important, and if so, then wish for the both or them, or just one.
- Look up at the sky, and look for a bright star, if you cannot find a shooting star. Close your eyes, and make your wish. To be safe, make the same wish when you go to the mall and see the water fountain. Close your eyes, make your wish and toss a penny into the water.
- Write down your wish on paper, then tape it or rubber band it to a 1/2 dollar coin. Throw this into the nearest body of water, and wait for your wish to come true.
AKA The right way to wish on stars
- PREGAME: Think of one thing you want a lot (a person's health, trip to some French country, a beau's return)
- GAME ON: Spot a shooting star, or even a bright star (Twinkle Twinkle Methodology), shut your eyes and wish quietly for this thing as hard as you can.
- POST GAME: Don't tell anyone what you wished for, it will ruin everything.

Friday, November 13, 2009
Date By Kate #2: A Pie Contest Date, not Kobayashi style
The Food: Pie
The Price: Free
You and Your Homeboy: There.
Your Date
KCRW presents the first annual Pie Contest where 150 contestants will be submitting their pies for you...for free. While I wouldn't necessarily suggest a pie/pizza/hotdog/kimchi eating contest for a date, everyone loves free food, and even more, everyone loves pie. Registration is closed but you can absolutely get your pie on if you show up!
Date: November 14
Place: Canyon Atrium at Westfield Topanga
Time: 2-4PM

Monday, November 9, 2009
Great Dates in History: Universal Studios Lot Circa 1973
1. TO DO
Hot wire a golf cart with a paper clip and drive your date around the Universal Backlot
Illuminated only by moonlight, hit up Western Street. New York Street. Mexican Village
Beware of the rotating Ice Tunnel because it makes you throw up and swerve to the side with embarassing results.
1973, after 9pm
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Date By Kate #1: Proper Hollywood Bowl Date
The other night I saw a presentation of the music of Bernstein at the Hollywood Bowl! For those of you who dont know, the HB is a classic pain but its really evolved in terms of want-to-go-and-we-actually-can-go-ed-ness. For instance, instead of parking in the fire hazard of a maze they call the staggered parking lot, you can meet up a shuttle at a location near you. Another option is you can metro or drive for and park for $3 into the Hollywood and highland stop. As for the ungodly tickets, I just found out that you can get tix between $1 and $8. So
youre far from the bowl, but the acoustics aren't any better than the 10th row, you dont have to sit near snobs, you can cupcake like crazy, see the landscape above the bowl and move down when no one is looking. Over enormous sandwiches, diet cokes and milano cookies on a silver platter (were not heathens) we delighted in the sounds of Candide and On the waterfront. Be aware that it gets Hella cold but it's a wonderful Los Angeles delight that's more convenient and accessible than ever.

Dating and Contagious Diseases: No More French Kissing

The Pursuit of Cheap, Ecstatic and Fulfilling Love
And I invite you to consider your first crush. Can you recall that useless hair twisting, nail biting, last name binder drawing dreaming love that made you a giggly wreck and a glittery fool?
Are you justifying your love because they had hair that smelled like cotton candy and looked like gold? Eyes like green and blue Gushers? Are you falling back on the, "made me feel dizzy" or "couldn't stop looking at her over my lunchable" excuse?
Are you shivering or giggling just thinking about him or her?
Well I invite you to consider that maybe you got it.
Maybe you got what many of us are looking for.
Before we started to filling out score cards as soon as they sat down at the bad restaurant chosen by them on your inevitably awful first, and last date. Before they starte failing questions like, "Do you prefer asian girls," "How many degrees do you have?" "How much do you make" "what's your 401K like?"
When sex started being part of the occasion, what was lost?
Maybe a serious relationship is the problem. Not Serious Love.
Nothing was more serious than my love for Mitchell in Arizona. He had a totally sweet Alligator pool raft which I saved him with because home boy couldn't swim. Cause he was four. We were meant to be. There was no conversation or birth control conversations.
Just useless, blind and hysterically content amour.
Look for it. Be less discerning and more adventurous. Fall into it, go nuts.
Maybe you need it.
Maybe that's all you need.
Next up:
The Pursuit of Cheap, Ecstatic and Fulfilling Individuality
MATES BY KATE: Steps along the way
Stop looking. This is the best tactic. Just put yourself in new places and have a good time, you'll see that you enjoy yourself more and maybe others will too. Worst Case Scenario, good solo-time for you!
Ladies, bring a back up buddy when you go sharking. If you actually want to date someone do not go home with them or kiss them as soon as you meet them. Bring a Wing Woman. Have fun, but safely you twit.
MATES BY KATE #1: Losing the Training Wheels
Ladies, bring a back up buddy. I haven't been to these locations, and until I am fully confident in the skeeze factor, Do not go alone, bring a girlfriend, or a "wing woman"
I Recommend:
This website, dedicated to the biking few in Los Angeles, has a bunches of events where bicylists can play with their toys, show off and socialize. The event that caught my attention was The Tweed, Moxie & Mustache Ride which is unfortunately over but they have the
Bike Oven Community Bike Repair
Bike Oven Community Bike Repair
Tuesday, December 8, 2009, 7 – 10pm |
Los Angeles, CA 90065
and learn to fix a bike in five minutes flat at
DIY Repair Coop! |
MATES BY KATE: How to find a Date in LA
Okay, so a lot of my single friends have been on my case that I have this website for making dates. But they don't have people to take on my fabulous dates and are therefore unable to go on my brilliant dates and review my dates.
This makes me Livid.
So I am going to tell you WHERE to find people to date in Los Angeles through the new series "Mates By Kate" I am going to give a disclaimer however that all of my, "where to find dates" feature isn't necessarily about finding someone new to go out with, but perhaps going out there and doing something on your own. Making new friends, new "mates." Finding friends in Los Angeles is nearly as difficult as finding romantic partners. Especially if you're not from here, and especially if you're not fluent in Los Angeles.
I am a firm believer that one cannot have "Us-ness" without "Me-ness," be your own best beau. Do something nice for yourself, be safe, and have fun.