The other night I saw a presentation of the music of Bernstein at the Hollywood Bowl! For those of you who dont know, the HB is a classic pain but its really evolved in terms of want-to-go-and-we-actually-can-go-ed-ness. For instance, instead of parking in the fire hazard of a maze they call the staggered parking lot, you can meet up a shuttle at a location near you. Another option is you can metro or drive for and park for $3 into the Hollywood and highland stop. As for the ungodly tickets, I just found out that you can get tix between $1 and $8. So
youre far from the bowl, but the acoustics aren't any better than the 10th row, you dont have to sit near snobs, you can cupcake like crazy, see the landscape above the bowl and move down when no one is looking. Over enormous sandwiches, diet cokes and milano cookies on a silver platter (were not heathens) we delighted in the sounds of Candide and On the waterfront. Be aware that it gets Hella cold but it's a wonderful Los Angeles delight that's more convenient and accessible than ever.

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