Wurstküche is the hottest dog place in Los Angeles right now. They have a gorgeous GORGEOUS array of sausages from Bratwurst to Filipino Marharlika. Here's the plan:
Definitely a Great Datey Experience for Late at Night. After a fancy show at the Walt Disney Hall it's a fun way to mix it up.
Although it looks pretty terrifying near Wurstküche just park close if the area makes you nervous. The scariest people there are NoHo Hipsters with creeper mustaches, "Creepsters" if you will. In any case, it may make your date nervous (it's in the heart of the Toy District) but its pretty innocuous.
Because the restaurant portion is pretty loud, the major portion of your date here will be in line. It's a good opportunity to cruise the menu, ask about Beer preferences (they have a great selection of Belgian Beers) and talk about which animals you're interested in eating today. Rattlesnake, Buffalo, Pig or Monkey**.
Waiting in line can be tedious for any couple, here are some little facts to get you through the standing part of the evening. Here's my Portuguese Sausage Story if you need material, leads into some good international animal name play.
• Sausages are mentioned in The Odyssey which was written by Homer more than 2,700 years ago.
• Sausages were called bangers during the Second World War because they contained so much water they exploded when fried.
• More sausages are eaten on Saturday than any other day.
So delicious, bring a pen and draw on the long papered tables, write little valentines and Hot Dog wishes. The restaurant is biggest in the back and you'll probably sitting next to all kinds of people from Los Angeles.
Magnificent. I adore the "Rabbit, Veal & Pork Seasoned with White Wine" but you could definitely be adventurous and show off a little. Unfortunately everything with Rattlesnake and Alligator isn't that awesome, do you want to show off at the risk of not eating your food. That's lame.* Don't miss the fries and as many of the sauces that sound good to you. I'm talking, Tzatziki, Curry Ketchup, Bleu Cheese Walnut and Bacon.
Here are some good resources if you want to know more about those little tubes of delicious...whatevers.
*Ignore anything with Alligator or Rattlesnake not very delicious.
*** It's more of an Orangutan...****
**** Maybe it's human...*****
***** They're so like us...******
****** No monkey at Wurstküche...*******
******* ...This time of year.
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